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Business and Training Plan 2024

The APComm Executive Committee set a yearly Business and Training Plan outlining our main priorities and how we aim to achieve them.


Objective 1

Share communications best practice to support continuous improvement and professional learning

Key deliverables and activity

Develop the APComm website - content refresh, explore new functionality, further develop The Hub. in addition, scope potential for a move of the website to a policing domain.

Hold 4 Quarterly National APComm meetings - two in person and two virtual

Monitor quick time issues monitoring for potential bespoke learning sessions

Organise and deliver 6 x Lunch and Learns sessions

Produce and circulate the monthly APComm bulletin

Develop an APComm pack for new starters to police comms

Objective 2

Develop and improve communications training and skills to contribute to a leading police communications network and to help retain skills

Key deliverables and activity

Produce a career development signposting pack

Deliver regular Media & Social Media Law Training

Organise and deliver APComm Academy 2024

Organise and deliver Virtual Academy 2024

Further develop the APComm Mentoring scheme - including exploring mentors outside of policing

Objective 3

Create stronger local, regional and national communications networks to encourage improved local support, partnership working and collaboration

Key deliverables and activity

Work closely with the APCC to offer support to APCC Comms network/ events (instead of OPCC specific event)

Review our membership list and APComm directory

Deliver a Heads of Comms networking event (content ideas - Business case and team restructures, business planning and budget management)

Deliver a Deputy Head of Comms networking event - (slot at Virtual Academy to discuss potential content for the event)

Deliver a Middle managers networking event - (slot at Virtual Academy to discuss potential content for the event)

Reinvigorate the regional Heads of Comms networks - encourage network, champions

Objective 4

Promote and sign-post well-being support for members focused on improved resilience

Key deliverables and activity

Deliver a well-being survey for Heads of Comms

Deliver a well-being survey for the whole APComm membership

Objective 5

Recognise the value of policing communications in supporting the frontline and helping to improve trust and confidence

Key deliverables and activity

Develop input for the Executive Leaders Programme (ELP) and use colleagues on the programme or similar courses to be critical friends

Explore and deliver an APComm LinkedIn and recruit a Digital Group from our membership to support in the ongoing management

Deliver the APComm Recognition Awards 2024

Facilitate an event with police documentary producers and police comms specialists to consider learning and opportunities for improved collaboration in the future aligned to the new guidance document.

Support in the delivery against the Nicola Bulley review recommendations

Objective 6

Future-proof and seek to ensure the sustainability of services provided by APComm

Key deliverables and activity

Move across to Online Banking

Develop an event evaluation template and process to understand the value of the events we deliver

Deliver an Annual Exec report and look ahead - focusing on the value of comms and challenges for year ahead.

Scope potential opportunities for the APComm Academy post 2024

Review the APComm constitution review & Terms of Reference

Develop a branding and marketing plan

Review the Bulletin process and content

Implement a two-year media law training contract

Review PCTD courses to understand delivery output and learning. Continue to explore out to market courses and seek professional accreditation for APComm affiliated training

Enhance the Execs committees digital skills training for future online session hosting

Bring together a pack of Academy templates (sponsorship letters, joining instructions, thank you letters etc)

In 2024, run a Vice Chair election process, including marketing the roles, and supporting advocacy across Forces