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APComm Academy 2019

APComm’s purpose is to:

  1. Represent stakeholders* - all of the specialist police communications professionals working to support the police service
  2. Provide training and development opportunities and help develop the knowledge and skills of members. This includes the creation of networking opportunities to enable sharing of learning and good practice directly across peers.
  3. Share and promote good practice to inform police communications activity going forward.
  4. Develop evaluation methods to demonstrate the impact that effective communication is having on policing services.
  5. Provide opportunities which support and promote the wellbeing of members.

*stakeholders include, but not exclusively, the Home Office, NPCC, APCC, News Media, PR and Communications professionals outside policing, and also within key partners.

Related Downloads

APComm Welcome Flyer

What does APComm do and how can I get in touch?

